Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellation and Refund Policy

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us by phone, and we will solve it immediately. Otherwise, you can proceed further to the refund policy as mentioned below.

  1. Your item must be in its original unused condition to be returned, unless there is a manufacturer defect. You may request a return within 15 days of the receipt of the product.
  2. For each individual order, we select a shipping method that will provide both value and speedy delivery. Standard shipping methods like Private Courier services.

How To Return an Item

if unfortunately, you have to cancel an order, please do so within 3 days of placing the order. For outright cancellations by you:
  1. Please send an email to to request a refund, and we will process it against your request. Also, send the products to the company head office or authorized sale point as per billing conditions.
  2. Your package should include a signed letter stating the reason for your return, along with the original invoice or delivery challan, ID , address proof, to the company with the goods.

Return Exceptions

If you think you have received the product in bad condition or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged before delivery, please refuse to accept the package and return it to the delivery person. Also, please call our customer care at 7295999333 or email us at mentioning your Direct Seller ID. We will personally ensure that a brand new replacement is issued to you with no additional cost within 15 working days. Please make sure that the original product tag and packing are intact when you send us the product back. Return duration is 15 days apart from conditions reserved herein above.

The following products shall not be eligible for return or replacement
  1. Any product that exhibits physical damage to the box or to the product after receiving it from the delivery boy.
  2. Any product that is returned without all original packaging, including the retail box originally included with the product at the time of delivery.
  3. Additionally, any product without a valid, readable, untampered serial number, including but not limited to products with missing, damaged, altered, or otherwise unreadable serial number or batch number.